Dunstan Baby Language
by Priscilla Dunstan
Highly recommended, this DVD was a real life saver for me, so glad I watched it before giving birth. The DVD shows you the five cry sounds that babies make for five different needs. 'Neh' for hunger, ' Eairh' for lower wind gas, 'Eh' for upper wind gas, 'Owh' for sleepy, and 'Heh' for discomfort. There, I pretty much summed up the whole thing, there is really not much content in the DVD, but these sounds are very important, and the DVD shows you bunch of samples of babies crying, to familiarize yourself with the sounds. Note that these sounds only work for from birth to up to about 3-4 months, but by then you should know your baby enough to not rely only on these. For my daughter, truthfully I have only heard her make the first three sounds, or unless I just can't distinguish the other two, but the first three sounds are what bothered her the most. While I was still at the hospital, I was already able to tell these three sounds, a bit surprised about how often the sound for hunger comes out (I know people always say babies nurse a lot, but really ending up nursing that much still surprised me). The sound for lower and upper wind gas was a bit hard to differentiate at first, but I soon learn that upper wind gas is a much shorter vowel cry. Regardless, both of these cries means burping time, I bust out all the moves until she burps, from either end. I often just play the part where it demonstrates how to burp (which at first I thought was just a useless clip to take up space) and burp along with the video just to make sure I am burping long enough and patient enough. My husband is always surprised when my daughter is crying and I make a comment like, "she wants to fart," and then farts immediately after I said that.
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